Any amount you can give is so very appreciated! We are fundraising through our GoFundMe page. Thanks to our amazingly generous donors, we exceeded our $10,000 goal!
We use donated funds to pay for cost-of-living expenses for the first 90 days after the refugee we are sponsoring arrives in the U.S.
This includes necessities like housing, food, transportation, clothing, furniture and other household goods. The goal of sponsorship is self-sufficiency and we will use excess funds to help other refugees resettle.
We have registered with, an administrator that manages corporate match donations for many companies.
We are so thankful for in-kind donations! Please see our top remaining needs at our Sign Up Genius page.
The newcomer we are sponsoring needs many items to settle in their new home in Madison. If you can provide any of the requested new or gently used items on the list, please sign up. Our newcomer has his own studio apartment and essentials thanks to the generosity of the Madison community!
As we approach the last weeks of our sponsorship, our small team must prioritize helping our newcomer become self-sufficient over onboarding new team members.
We will update this page as opportunities arise in the future.